Former President, Turakin Sokoto Shehu Shagari, passed away on Friday 28 December at the National Hospital, Abuja, after a brief illness. He was buried next day Saturday according Muslim rites. Eulogies have poured in from far and wide. Former president Olusegun Obasanjo, who handed over to him the mantle of leadership in 1979, describes the late president as “a unifying force for the nation" who died at time when his wisdom and experience were in dire need "to tackle the multifaceted challenges facing the nation”. On his part, retired military president Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida described Shagari as a “dependable bridge builder”, lamenting that, “Nigeria and indeed Africa, has lost a statesman and democrat whose wisdom, counsel, presence and experience and his sterling qualities of honesty and transparency are needed in these trying moments of our national life”. By outlook and comportment, he was the mild-mannered schoolteacher that he was by training a...